
Coda Bow- most serious bowed dulcimer players use one of these. they are very consistent one bow to the next.


Arcus bows- the Rolls Royce of carbon fiber bows. Expensive but amazingly lightweight and great sounding.


Thistledew Acres- a popular source for bowed dulicmer cases. Lee's cases are high quality with a bow pocket and accessory



Blue Heron Cases-the other popular and high quality source for bowed ducimer cases. Bow pocket accessory pouch. Ken and

Maria do a great job.


Yahoo Discussion group-- this how all the bowed dulcimer players keep in contact with one another. It's friendly group and

gives you access to free music, photos, and info. this is where upcoming events are announced,

instruments for sale are advertised and generally keeps us all together as a community.


Bowed Dulcimer Basics-  this is a video which gives you all the basic information to get started playing your bowed dulcimer.

It goes into detail on holding the instrument, left hand positioning, how to hold the bow, good

fingering technique and so on.